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Rebecca MacDowell ‘24, Financial Analyst at Cambridge Insurance Advisors

中主要的: Business Administration: Finance

参加 B影响诊所 during her senior year, Rebecca’s team worked with Cambridge Insurance Advisors to help them assess their social and environmental practices through the B Impact Assessment – the first step for a company to become B Corp certified. 现在, Rebecca is a financial analyst for Cambridge Insurance Advisors – a company that aligns with her values. We caught up with Rebecca to learn more about her sustainability journey and to find out what advice she has for others interested in getting experience in sustainability. 

Have you always been interested in sustainability, and/or sustainable businesses?  

I have always had an interest in sustainability, but oftentimes struggled feeling like I was not doing enough to be involved. The B影响诊所 brought out my desire to support sustainable businesses as I began to understand the inner workings of the time and effort that goes into sustainable business culture.  

What were your biggest takeaways from participating in the Clinic?  

I decided to participate in the Clinic because my older sister did it while she was at UNH and always talked about how valuable that kind of real-world experience is in the business world. My personal experience in the Clinic was driven by the hands-on learning experience of working with Cambridge Insurance Advisors and helping pioneer real-world policies and practices for this company to implement.

Another one of my biggest takeaways was the collaboration aspect of the Clinic and surrounding myself with people my own age who are just as serious about sustainability and making a difference in the world. There are lifelong connections I have made because of the Clinic that I am extremely grateful to have.  

People often wonder if business and sustainability can go hand in hand, especially for the financial bottom line. What is your perspective and perhaps personal experience around that? 

Business and sustainability indeed go hand in hand, and when there is a balance between them, it can ensure businesses are using their platform as a means of commitment to sustainable practices. There can be lower costs associated with energy efficient practices and there are benefits of new customer loyalty to companies that are B Corps. After taking this Clinic, I was excited to take what I had learned into the post-grad world when picking out a future career path and employer.

It was not that Cambridge offered me a special role in finance, but knowing Cambridge is actively seeking B Corp certification sealed my commitment to working for them.  

What advice do you have for current students who want to incorporate sustainability into their field of study? 

The biggest piece of advice I have for current students looking to incorporate sustainability into their field of study is to simply start early. I started the second semester of my senior year, and I wish I had gotten involved sooner.