

Traditional ROTC Scholarship (2, 3 and 4 year)

军队参加后备役军官训练军团 is one of the largest providers of merit-based scholarships in the country, making thousands of awards every year. Winners are chosen based on academics, SAT或ACT结果, 老师的评价, extracurricular activities, 领导潜力, a physical aptitude exam, and a personal interview. 福利包括:

  • Paid full tuition and fees OR room and board
  • Grant money to apply towards room and board at UNH
  • An annual book benefit of $1,200
  • A monthly tax-free stipend: $420 once contracted

4-Year Traditional Program of Study

Traditionally, 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 is a four-year program. The first two years of the program comprise the Basic Course (MS-I and MS-II). You can enroll in the program for the first two years without incurring any future military obligation (if you don't have an ROTC scholarship).

After you've successfully completed the Basic Course, you can compete to gain admission into the Advanced Course (MS-III and MS-IV). It's during this part of the program that you'll get to put your newfound management skills to the test.

As a Cadet in the Advanced Course, you'll spend 5-weeks during the summer between your junior and senior years attending Advanced Camp. In camp, you'll be asked to handle the complex tasks of a unit leader. You may have to lead your group across difficult terrain or build a bridge across a river. You may have to solve difficult personnel problems, or be in charge of expensive military equipment. It's all meant to teach you how to think quickly when the pressure is on and how to motivate your team.

Then, as a cadet in the Advanced Course, your management skills will continue to be sharpened. You'll teach new ROTC students what you've learned. And when you graduate from college, you're ready to be a commissioned officer in the U. S. 军队. During your four years in the program, 所有后备军官训练队教材, 制服, and essential materials will be furnished at no cost. 除了, if selected for the Advanced Course, you'll receive an allowance of up to $2,每年1000万.

The 2-Year Program of Study

If you miss the first two years of ROTC, and you are a graduate of a junior or community college entering a two-year postgraduate course of study, you may still qualify for a commission through the two-year program. In this program, you must first attend the ROTC Leaders Training Camp (LTC) for a four week period. 在LTC, you will learn the basic cadet skills taught during the first two years in Military Science Courses. Upon successful completion, you'll be eligible for the Advanced Course!

Veterans, Reservists, and 警卫smen may automatically qualify to enter the Advanced Course! For more information, please 澳门葡京网赌游戏.

Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)

SMP cadets serve in 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 and serve in a paid status in the 军队 警卫 or 军队 Reserve. These cadets get to put the skills they have developed in 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 to use in a real military unit as an Officer in Training. Pay is the equivalent a Sergeant E-5 (about $250 for a drill weekend) and can earn about $1,000 for a two-week annual training usually in the summer.

During college, SMP cadets drill one weekend a month, but are in a non-deployable status. Service in the 军队 Reserve Components (RC) can qualify for time in service toward pay and retirement, provided cadets complete drilling requirements.

SMP members are also eligible for multiple scholarships, including the 警卫 & Reserve Forces Duty Scholarship, the Dedicated 军队 National 警卫 Scholarship, and the Minuteman Scholarship.

警卫 & Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) 奖学金

GRFD 奖学金 are usually 2 year 军队 National 警卫 or 军队 Reserve scholarships covering tuition & fees, but not room and board. GRFD recipients serve in the 警卫 or Reserve and have an eight year obligation. GRFD/SMP cadets also receive Monthly Drill Pay & a Monthly Cadet Stipend. GRFD Scholarship forms are available below.

GRFD应用程序 - Packet includes the application, forms, and instructions

Dedicated 军队 National 警卫 Scholarship (DedARNG)

These are similar to GRFD scholarships, but are offered in 2, 2.5 & 3 year periods and put cadets on a National 警卫 career path.